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Posted: 06 Nov 2010 15:50
by Morgoth2010
Hi all,
I´m trying to use the nVLC-Wrapper for C#

the problem ist that i don´t know how to activate the GPU-Acceleration in libVLC.
Can anybody help me in this topic?

Best Regards,

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 06 Nov 2010 20:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 07 Nov 2010 12:07
by Morgoth2010
Thx....that´s the solution :D

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 13 Apr 2015 05:14
by jerrylipeng
Hi all, does "--ffmpeg-hw" still work? I tried several options in the nVLC example projects ("--ffmpeg-hw", "--avcodec-hw=any", "--avcodec-hw=dxva2"), but seems none of them works.
Could somebody help?

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 22:43
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
"--avcodec-hw=any" should work

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 03:30
by jerrylipeng
Thanks for your reply.

I was using VLC 2.2.0 to play a 3840*2160 mp4:
- Start vlc in command line: vlc --avcodec-hw=any, the video is choppy
- Start vlc in command line: vlc --avcodec-hw=dxva2, the video looks good
- In nVLC example, calling libvlc_new with/without "--avcodec-hw=xxx" makes no difference, both choppy.

Did I miss something?

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 11:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Try 2.2.1

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 16:36
by Lamerjack
Here same problem...
Somebody has any news?
Me i tested with --ffmpeg-hw and say that is not supported.
I try with --avcodec-hw=dxva2 or --avcodec-hw=any and nothing.
I tested also forcing the direct 3d with --vout=direct3d11 and then --avcodec-hw=dxva2
i tested veriso 2.2.1 2.2.2 and 3.0...
in the 3.0 i try also --vout=direct3d11 and --avcodec-hw=d3d11va
if i give the same parameters on command line works fine the video ils fluid and the cpu occupation go down to 5%.
Any idea/suggestion?

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 16:40
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
You're not supposed to pass vout and avcodec-hw to LibVLC. It controls them internally based on higher-level video control functions.

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 04 Nov 2015 09:29
by parker
Hi all
I´m trying to use the nVLC-Wrapper for C#

People help me answer this question. ... utube.aspx

thank you

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 28 Nov 2015 09:34
by parker
Hi all
I´m trying to use the nVLC-Wrapper for C#

People help me answer this question. ... utube.aspx

thank you

Re: GPU-Acceleration

Posted: 28 Jun 2016 09:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
use the same options than the app.