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Debugging vlc using msys/mingw on Windows

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 14:30
by Belbear
I'm successfully building vlc now using msys native windows compiling. (up to the 1.2.0-git version)

I'm now moving up to what it's all intended for: Writing a video output plugin that outputs video on my own BlueMotion layered graphic software that runs on Bluefish444 HD-SDI video cards. This toolkit is built using MFC-C++ using MS visual C++ 6 (ok, you linux :geek: :geek: will :lol: now, but it's my home world for developing)

Now I'm only having those msg_Err and msg_Dbg functions at my disposal, so finding errors in the vlc plugin code will be difficult.
Especially when vlc crashes, taking the whole "messages" window down before I can read anything.
Therefore I wish to ask if real debugging with breakpoints, memory examination and single-stepping is possible with an msys setup. I find no info whatsoever on debugging on the videolan site.

If possible, can anyone tell me what I need to have and know, to debug from the msys console or maybe there is a GUI debugger?

Re: Debugging vlc using msys/mingw on Windows

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 14:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
run gdb inside MSys console.

Or use QtCreator.