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VLC phonon backend
Posted: 05 Apr 2010 15:55
by jech
I just read at AmaroK blog that the VLC phonon backend is stable and ready to be used. I would like to use it on Windows, since the DirectShow backend doesn't work at all for me. Unfortunately I have no experience with compiling C/C++ code. Does anybody of you has by chance the VLC Phonon backend win32 binaries? Thanks a lot.
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 06 Apr 2010 15:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Not yet, but there should be some with VLC 1.1 release.
Else, try to contact kde-windows devs.
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 29 May 2010 13:29
by jech
Is there any news on this now that VLC 1.1 RC is out? Thank you.
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 29 May 2010 16:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I can provide some, yes.
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 30 May 2010 13:37
by jech
That would be great. I'm trying to create an audio player in PyQt which will be using Phonon. But the included DirectShow backend doesn't work. So I would like to replace it with VLC backend. Could you give me some advice on how to do that?
I know there is a directory ..\PyQt4\plugins\phonon_backend which contains file phonon_ds94.dll. I believe this is the DirectShow backend and I need to replace it.
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 07 Jun 2010 13:56
by jech
On I found a package
phonon-vlc-mingw4-20100605-bin.tar.bz2. It contains file
phonon_vlc.dll. I put that file in
..PyQt4\plugins\phonon_backend directory and removed the
phonon_ds94.dll DirectShow backend library. But now PyQt complains that ic can't find any Phonon backend. What else do I need to do to make it work (of course I have VLC 1.1RC installed)?
Re: VLC phonon backend
Posted: 08 Jun 2010 01:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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