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Displaying Logo at specific times (like in subtitles)

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 20:30
by maitrepiet
I would need a clue on how to implement the following feature:
the current logo feature in which I can display a list of different logo's for a given interval, is almost what I need.
However, it seems the intervals are calculated w.r.t. the start of the program. E.g. the command vlc.exe --sub-filter=logo logo-file=logo1.png,3000;logo2.png,8000 video.mpg
will display the logo1 for seconds after the start of the program and logo2 after 2 seconds since the start and for 8 seconds, and then the whole cycle restarts.
These times seem to be independent of e.g. playback speed

What I need is that I can display a list of logo's at specific times of the video file, regardless of the playback speed, jumps, etc. Like you have in subtitles.

Could someone give me a hint on how to do this?

I'm willing to give up the existing Logo functionality, and get this one. So, what should I change in Logo.c to get something like this?

vlc.exe vlc.exe --sub-filter=logo logo-file=logo1.png,time1;logo2.png,time2 video.mpg
where time1 is the relative video decoding time of the given file?

Re: Displaying Logo at specific times (like in subtitles)

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 20:36
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Why don't you encode your icon inside a subtitle that supports image?

Re: Displaying Logo at specific times (like in subtitles)

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 21:29
by maitrepiet
I'd love to, but how would I do this? Is there a specific format for this, and where can I find some documentation?
Also, can I change the position of the Icon?