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How to send a RTP Stream

Posted: 27 Feb 2010 10:47
by jamy
I would like to program a RTP client server with libVLC. I used the code wich is on the libVLC's website for the client. So, I have to do the server but I haven't any ideas about how to make it. Can you help me?

(Sorry for my english if it is bad)

Re: How to send a RTP Stream

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 19:01
by jorgerv17
look this:

test 1:

test 2:

I hope that you work fine with this....

Re: How to send a RTP Stream

Posted: 03 Mar 2010 17:26
by jamy
Thank! I finally used a LIVE555 server to send a RTSP stream.
I have another question, do you know how I can access to the data that I receive in order to redirect it to another client?