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How do I Stream packets without a network

Posted: 19 Jan 2010 21:43
by rydaler
Language: c++
I have a large file of miscellaneous formats. The large file is parsed as the program moves through a timeline and the data is streamed into the program's various functions. Once the large file is parsed I have video packets that I would like to feed into VLC. This means that the video packets need to be displayed as they come in. I have had some success using the udp localhost as a streaming middle man sending packets to it while listening in the video, but this solution is not optimal as the extra step causes various lag, syncretization, and network issues. I would like to cut out the middle man and pass the video packets directly to a libvlc window. Most of what I have read requires a file to send directly to vlc, which I cannot do. Any constructive suggestions are welcomed.

Re: How do I Stream packets without a network

Posted: 20 Jan 2010 14:44
by rydaler
Basically I'm trying to locally stream a TS packet directly to VLC. I am going to look over the code and try and find how VLC UDP streaming is revieving packets and see if I can make it skip the step of Scanning UDP and just send them directly to render them, if this is impossible just let me know as I am quite the novice with video and newtork coding.

Re: How do I Stream packets without a network

Posted: 20 Jan 2010 17:47
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Normally, you'd use a pipe or a named pipe for that sort of use cases.

Re: How do I Stream packets without a network

Posted: 27 Jan 2010 21:25
by rydaler
Thanks for the reply,

I guess I should say I am working in windows most of the time. Using ... S.85).aspx I have implemented pipes but for the life of me I cannot get libvlc to work properly with them. I suspect the fault is with my lack of understanding the correct vlc_args[] for a new vlc instance (libvlc_new) and the pipe access (libvlc_media_new).