Strange crash in _Orphan_all when calling libvlc_new()

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Strange crash in _Orphan_all when calling libvlc_new()

Postby si555 » 13 Jan 2010 16:20


I'm trying to write a video playing app in c++ using visual studio 2005 and keep getting a crash every time I call libvlc_new(). In the past I have been successful playing videos with this code but now they won't work at all and nothing seems to have changed. I have tried versions 0.9.6 and 0.9.8a without any luck.

Debugging my code shows that the crash happens in _Orphan_all which appears to be getting called from VLC. Has anybody experienced this before?

Here's the code I'm using:

Code: Select all

VlcWrapper::VlcWrapper(long lVideoWidth, long lVideoHeight, long lVideoPitch, void* pLock, void* pUnlock, void* pData) { char arg_lock[64], arg_unlock[64], arg_data[64]; char arg_width[32], arg_height[32], arg_pitch[32]; sprintf_s(arg_lock, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)pLock); sprintf_s(arg_unlock, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)pUnlock); sprintf_s(arg_data, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)pData); sprintf_s(arg_width, "%i", lVideoWidth); sprintf_s(arg_height, "%i", lVideoHeight); sprintf_s(arg_pitch, "%i", lVideoWidth * lVideoPitch); const char* args[] = { "-I", "dummy", "-vvvvvvv", "--plugin-path=C:\\vlc\\runtime\\plugins", "--ignore-config", "--no-audio", "--no-video-title-show", "--verbose=2", "--vout", "vmem", "--vmem-width", arg_width, "--vmem-height", arg_height, "--vmem-pitch", arg_pitch, "--vmem-lock", arg_lock, "--vmem-unlock", arg_unlock, "--vmem-data", arg_data, "--vmem-chroma", "RV32" }; // These members are usually in the class header - I've moved them here for ease of reading libvlc_exception_t m_excp; libvlc_instance_t* m_inst; libvlc_exception_init( &m_excp ); //This is where the crash happens m_inst = libvlc_new( sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]), args, &m_excp ); }

Thanks for any help.

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