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qt libvlc FullscreenControllerWidget

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 11:02
by chris_g

is there a easy way to use the FullscreenControllerWidget with libvlc? I spent hours searching and found some classes.
Maybe I have to build my own QTControlls by the examples from the vlan-classes Controller.cpp or interface_widgets.cpp.

Or is it possible to use mediacontrol_Instance to have Controlls in a qt framework with libvlc?
I allready have a witged wich overlays the video while playing.

I would appreciate any hint which preserves me to reinvent the wheel...


Re: qt libvlc FullscreenControllerWidget

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 17:51
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
If you want to use the one from VLC, you will need to start the Qt4 plugin UI (with libvlc_add_intf("qt4")). But this causes the unintended side effects of showing the normal Qt4 UI...

Re: qt libvlc FullscreenControllerWidget

Posted: 19 Nov 2009 11:46
by chris_g
Thank you for the hint. It could be usefull in some cases.
For our case I coded our own qt-interface now. The problem is not vlc... it was to get into qt and how the widgets can be styled and customized. But when youre into some special characteristics it´s easy.