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Will VLC be able to parse a smil generated by a CDN ?

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 11:29
by toinan

I'm looking for a Desktop player (not embed one) that could parse a SMIL from a CDN like AKAMAI HIGHWINDS etc...

URL of a SMIL from Highwinds CDN look like this: ... k.mp4.smil

SMIL from Highwinds CDN look like this :

Code: Select all

<smil> <head> <meta base="rtmp://"/> </head> <body> <video src="mp4:fms/crtra_voyage/rhonealpesrdv087_800k.mp4?doppl=0fc00106451ecde8&dopsig=7e9d19dc828d61a4ca125c9cd341f725"/> </body> </smil>
- Does anyone knows a desktop player able to do that ?
- Does anyone knows when VLC will be able to read such URL ?

Thx in advance for your answers!

Re: Will VLC be able to parse a smil generated by a CDN ?

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 18:44
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
VLC does not currently support SMIL