Getting single frame from .264 file and display ? (Dot.Net)

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 09 Jun 2009 17:28

Getting single frame from .264 file and display ? (Dot.Net)

Postby Leon09 » 09 Jun 2009 17:45

Hi all,

I started a new application under Dot.Net, in the application I have to get one single frame from any index from a .264 video file (usually it will be the first frame, index 0) , and I have to display this frame on the form, for example inside a paintBox.

Is there any ready example for something like that anywhere? where should I begin?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 Jun 2009 17:28

Re: Getting single frame from .264 file and display ? (Dot.Net)

Postby Leon09 » 10 Jun 2009 18:36

Can someone please give some help on this ?

I found a short example code here -

(look at the answer)

but when I tried to run it on a .H264 video file that I have it couldn't find the 0x000001B8 sequence even once.
Isn't there a simple way to locate the first frame of the file and getting the pixels values? why is it so complicated? so many explanations on the net about this H264 format but not a singe word about something that should be so easy and simple to do.

Also, after I locating the first frame, should I translate each 3 bytes into a single pixel? (RGB) or is there another method to do that?

Can someone please give me a little help on this ?

Thank you.

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