video looping not working

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New Cone
New Cone
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video looping not working

Postby boyindie » 06 May 2009 15:15


I want to add a button into my VB.NET GUI, which would allow my video to be set to loop over and over, until it is told to stop by the user, it doesn't seem to work.

Is this how you would set it up when you are adding the target video file?

Is there an API command that allows this to be setup?

Code: Select all

Dim options() As String options = New String() {":sout=#duplicate{# dst=display,dst=std {access=udp,mux=ts,dst=" & ipAddress & ":" & port & "--loop}}"} vlc.AddTarget(videoFile, options) Else

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 0.9.8a & 1.0-git
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Location: France

Re: video looping not working

Postby thannoy » 06 May 2009 21:56

[ ":sout=#duplicate{# dst=display,dst=std {access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}" ]
1- why starting duplicate with "# " (in braces), you should remove this
2- I never seen spaces before or after "dst"
3- addTarget belongs to AxVLC v1 which is deprecated. You should use version 2 in which its become "vlc.playlist.add(url, name, options)" @see lin,k1

For .playlist.add at least, either you provide a string (spaces-separated options), either you provide a table of strings (one option per string). Its appears your are mixing something (I guess with "New String() {")

I suggest you:

Code: Select all

options = New String() { ":sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=" & ipAddress & ":" & port}}", "--loop", "--sout-keep" } vlc.plaulist.add(videoFile, "foo name", options)
NB1: sout-keep to not "close/reopen" the sout each loop
NB2: sout through the ActiveX is discouraged and locked down since 0.9.9 I think. You should play with older releases (0.9.8a?), @see link2
NB2bis: You should be able to workaround this by using libvlc.dll direclty and giving global option to libvlc_new
NB3: the wiki contain a very good streaming documentation with samples @see link3

link1: ... d_above.29 (ActiveX API v2 is the same as mozilla-plugin one)
link2: (ftp or http)

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