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libvlc x64?

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 16:44
by boyindie

I have been developing an appliation for streaming video over an network using VB.NET.

I am doing this by using a c# wrapper which then accesses the libvlc.dll, and sets up vlc within my application.

However I am trying to port this accross to an 64 bit application which I need to run on Windows Vista 64bit.

But I can only get it work on the 64bit Vista machine, if I ensure that the entire project has been compiled for a 32 bit program.

As the 64bit program is unable to access the address space of the libvlc.dll, as I am assuming this is a 32bit dll.

Is it possible to compile a 64 bit version, of this DLL I am assuming not as I think it is all written for Linux the source code originally?

Is there any other way of allowing the 64 bit program to access the 32 bit libvlc.dll?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Best Regards

Re: libvlc x64?

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 00:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
There is no-64bits VLC on Windows.

Re: libvlc x64?

Posted: 27 Apr 2009 22:17
by elwood
You can try set "x86" machine type to your .NET project configuration settings.
It is "Any CPU" by default.