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#9 0x0819940b in ost::QueueRTCPManager::setSDESItem (this=0x86f6d38, part=0x8730730, type=ost::SDESItemTypeCNAME,
value=0x86f81f6 "\006\tvlc 0.9.6", len=9) at ./ccrtp/sources.h:174
#10 0x0819a721 in ost::QueueRTCPManager::onGotSDESChunk (this=0x86f6d38, source=@0x872ff60, chunk=@0x86f81f0, len=32) at control.cpp:674
Above suggests that the CNAME length is indicated 9 in the length field of the CNAME part of SDES packet. However, the whole string "\006\tvlc 0.9.6"
length is 20 characters, and this causes memory corruption at some point, I guess.
One issue related to this has been addressed in TRAC ticket #1541, but this ticket handles the whole SDES chunk, not the CNAME field especially.