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How can I get the .lib file of the libvlc.dll?

Posted: 06 Feb 2009 05:40
by stephen314
I want to use the libvlc.dll in my VC project ,however,I can't find the .lib file of it, I wanna know how or where I could get the .lib file~~~Thanks for any advice!

Re: How can I get the .lib file of the libvlc.dll?

Posted: 07 Feb 2009 10:03
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
It's in the sdk directory of the zip file. At least, it was.

Re: How can I get the .lib file of the libvlc.dll?

Posted: 02 Mar 2009 10:42
by heaven
You can use the dumpbin.exe and lib.exe tool (both under cmd) under vc to export a .lib file for the dll.
Google it to get more information