[VS2022 | .NET6 | Form | VB] Request for Beginner's guide

This forum is about all development around libVLC.
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New Cone
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[VS2022 | .NET6 | Form | VB] Request for Beginner's guide

Postby AP2023 » 12 Jul 2023 18:25

I do not have to do it with forms nor in VB but it is the way I know best. However, I need a program that is at least executable in Windows 10+.
You assume I am completely new to the subject.
I miraculously managed to get the Vlc.DotNet.Forms.VlcControl component to appear in the toolbox by installing some components from NuGet. But at this point I suppose I have the wrong packages to install.
After some experiments VS refuses to load the project for me, so I can't even report the exact errors.
I dragged the VLC component into the form, try to enter the instruction VlcControl1.Play("MyFile.mkv"), but I get, in addition to endless errors in the log, a blocking error about VlcLibDirectory not being initialized.
Obviously VLC is installed on my computer.
I expect either the component to access which API directly from VLC or to download the necessary components.
I've made several attempts and read endless guides that I'm not going to report because they all failed and answers like "you shouldn't have done that" are not helpful!

You assume I am completely new to the subject. If I didn't *really* need help I wouldn't be here!
Assuming that VLC and VS are installed on my computer, what are "the compelte beginner guide" steps to compile a mini-program in which the user presses a button, the choice window pops up, and selects a video (in any format recognized by vlc) that is loaded into the in-form component?
How do I create the project?
How do I install any (what?) dependencies or packages needed?
How do I initialize the components?
In short, a video tutorial showing step-by-step things to do from opening VS to playing the video is most welcome.

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