mediaDiscoverer SMB not working, but works for UPnP
Posted: 27 Jan 2023 23:46
Dear developers,
Using libVLC with the MediaDiscoverer, I can find UPnP server and it just works. However, when I change to SMB, it does not find anything. Calling Start() on it returns already false for SMB. For UPnP it returns true. My test is in Unity Windows and Android. Besides "smb" I also tried the strings "samba" and "smb2" with no difference.
Please help! Thanks,
Using libVLC with the MediaDiscoverer, I can find UPnP server and it just works. However, when I change to SMB, it does not find anything. Calling Start() on it returns already false for SMB. For UPnP it returns true. My test is in Unity Windows and Android. Besides "smb" I also tried the strings "samba" and "smb2" with no difference.
Code: Select all
libVLC = new LibVLC(enableDebugLogs: true);
// mediaDiscoverer = new MediaDiscoverer(libVLC, "upnp"); // this would work
mediaDiscoverer = new MediaDiscoverer(libVLC, "smb");
bool success = mediaDiscoverer.Start();
// success returns false on "smb", but true for "upnp"
// mediaDiscoverer.IsRunning is false as well for "smb"
Please help! Thanks,