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VLCSHARP : pause and resume latency

Posted: 14 Sep 2022 21:31
by Rabeyriol
I have 2 projects, all of them use the lib vlcsharp via nuget package.
The first one (the streamer) streames a mp3 on a RTSP link,
The second one (the player) playes the RTSP link generate by the streamer.
In the streamer, I use SetPause(bool) to pause and resume the streaming. It works but the player applyes the command with a udge latency, sometimes 20 secondes.
Is anyone knwos why ? what I've done wrong ?
Thank you for your help

Re: VLCSHARP : pause and resume latency

Posted: 19 Sep 2022 08:50
by Rabeyriol
No, No one ?

Re: VLCSHARP : pause and resume latency

Posted: 26 Sep 2022 03:52
by mfkl
Can't help you without debug logs and full minimal repro. Some latency should be expected though. Have you tried other solutions?