How to stream the video using VLC-QT wrapper

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How to stream the video using VLC-QT wrapper

Postby vinayk9119 » 06 Dec 2020 17:44

I want to stream the video using ```RTSP, HTTP and UDP ``` as they are supported by ```vlc```. I am using ```Qt5``` and as ```Qt``` don't have that much good media libraries so I go for open source and now using ```libvlc``` through ```VLC-Qt``` wrapper.

I am able to receive the stream videos in my program, The source code for receiving the streaming video is given below

void player::on_actionNETWORK_STREAM_triggered()
QString url= QInputDialog::getText(this,tr("Open Url"),tr("Enter the URL you want to play"));

m_media=new VlcMedia(url,m_instance);
To receive the streaming video I just put the url of that video into the new ```VlcMedia``` instance but don't know how to stream a video.

While reading the documentation of the ```VLC-QT``` wrapper I read that it have one ```class``` named ```VlcVideoStream ``` but I am not getting how to use that class to do the streaming. The link of the documentation of this ```class``` is given below ... ideostream

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