the delay of "libvlc_new_media_callbacks" created input stream is too long,how to short it?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 18 May 2010 15:51

the delay of "libvlc_new_media_callbacks" created input stream is too long,how to short it?

Postby pango » 14 Aug 2020 18:38

my app realtime generate h264 video stream and aac audio stream,I put them into transport stream using ffmpeg,and then create a memory input media using "libvlc_new_media_callbacks()",in the read cb function of "libvlc_new_media_callbacks" I feed the ts stream to libvlc; I create a vlc_media_player instance to play the mem input media,the stream can be played,but the delay time is long,it is 1.5s at least,the delay time I said is the duration from a video frame encoded by my app to that frame displayed by vlc, because I use nvidia gpu to do video encoding so the time for encoding is short, so which component may cause the long delay? How can I shorten it?

another question, in the read callback function of "libvlc_new_media_callbacks()",can I feed raw H264 element stream,or aac element stream to libvlc?

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Joined: 13 Jun 2017 10:41

Re: the delay of "libvlc_new_media_callbacks" created input stream is too long,how to short it?

Postby mfkl » 02 Sep 2020 13:27

Can you share your code and logs please?
can I feed raw H264 element stream,or aac element stream to libvlc?
well, have you tried?

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