please, help! Delphi and libvlc.dll output stream to file
Posted: 17 Jan 2019 08:31
libvlc.dll ver3.0.6.0 windows
i use an example:
The original example works fine, but I need to add a video entry to the file.
I was looking for a special function for this, but it turned out that the only way to write to the file is to use the Command Line.
I'm trying to do this:
different string combinations. but I get the error Access violation:
It was possible to get rid of errors(@argv instead of argv):
however, the video is displayed on the panel
libvlc.dll ver3.0.6.0 windows
i use an example:
The original example works fine, but I need to add a video entry to the file.
I was looking for a special function for this, but it turned out that the only way to write to the file is to use the Command Line.
I'm trying to do this:
Code: Select all
libvlc_new : function(argc : Integer; argv : PAnsiChar) : Plibvlc_instance_t; cdecl;
procedure Tlibvlc.StartPlay(AdressKamer:AnsiString; PanelHandle:Pointer);
const argv : PAnsiChar = '--sout="#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ps,dst=''d:\file.mpg''}, dst=display}"';
vlcInstance := libvlc_new(1, argv);
It was possible to get rid of errors(@argv instead of argv):
Code: Select all
vlcInstance := libvlc_new(1, @argv);
vlcMedia := libvlc_media_new_location(vlcInstance, 'rtsp://admin:456@');
vlcMediaPlayer := libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(vlcMedia);
libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(vlcMediaPlayer, PanelHandle);