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Meta.Vlc - LibVlc wrapper for WPF(Update for libvlc 3.0)

Posted: 31 Dec 2018 20:45
by higan
Meta.Vlc is a LibVlc solution for .NET, it has encapsulated most of the functionalities of libvlc.
This project aims to find a perfect solution for using Vlc on WPF.
Meta.Vlc provides a native WPF control(Meta.Vlc.Wpf), this control achieves video playback by utilizing InteropBitmap and shared memory.
Since it’s a native WPF control, it doesn't suffer from HwndHost’s airspace issue.

Change Log

01.Add support for libvlc 3.0
In this modification, Meta.Vlc supports the 3.0 version of libvlc. Due to some API design, this may be a broken change. The 2.x version of libvlc may be supported no longer. Thanks again to Unbroken Software, without their help, the 3.0 version of Meta.Vlc may not be released so quickly.

02.No longger support for .NET2.0/.NET3.0
Due to the need to use some of the more advanced features, we removed Meta.Vlc support for .NET2.0/.NET3.0 in this update.

03.Refactor interop module for libvlc
Now we've used the unsafe operation more extensively to improve interoperability with libvlc, so the Meta.Vlc module can have a huge change, but Meta.Vlc.Wpf is almost unchanged. Moreover, in this refactoring, the interoperability mechanism has been re-implemented to make the calling process more refined.

Project home page:

Quick start on Meta.Vlc:

NuGet Packages:
Install Meta.Vlc

Code: Select all

PM> Install-Package Meta.Vlc

Code: Select all

PM> Install-Package Meta.Vlc.Wpf

Re: Meta.Vlc - LibVlc wrapper for WPF(Update for libvlc 3.0)

Posted: 20 Jan 2019 22:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Very cool.

You should consider joining the libVLCSharp team, though!