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user-agent on android app

Posted: 28 Jan 2018 01:42
by machine666
hello everybody. i wonder if it's possible to fully customize the user-agent. reading the documentation there's a method called setUserAgent() but it always appends LibVLC/3.0.0-git at the end. which is problematic to me beacuse server side expects an exact user agent.

for example if i do:

Code: Select all

it send to http server:

Code: Select all

User-Agent: my_custom_user_agent LibVLC/3.0.0-git
any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Re: user-agent on android app

Posted: 28 Jan 2018 09:45
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
This is as per the syntax definition of the User-Agent line in the HTTP specifications, and many frameworks operate the same way. Fix your server.