How cut and render video by most effective way ?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 01 Dec 2011 18:08

How cut and render video by most effective way ?

Postby Claupacius » 26 Jan 2018 10:20


Can anybody give me a direction for implementing the following flow using libvlc :

1. There is a source video, played back on custom window inside the player.
2. There is a number of irregular-shaped rectangular-like areas, defined by user
3. Every area should be played back in separate window, the area form will be transformed to a proper rectangular.
4. The renderer is OpenGL.

The straightforward way is to get a raw frame, cut the needed areas and form a memory stream, as a new source.
But this is a very resource-consuming step, taking in account that the source video resolution is huge.
Is there a more elegant way to implement the above-mentioned flow ? May be using a renderer textures, which probably can be copied across the contexts ?

Thank you in advance for pointing me to the proper approach.

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