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Using libvlc with direct3d vout on Windows

Posted: 11 Mar 2017 20:15
by IvoGeorgiev

I have a couple of related questions:

1) On Windows, is it possible to initialize libVLC directly with direct3d vout, while passing it your own HWND for it to draw in
2) Are there any advantages to doing this over simply using vmem+your own direct3d texture? For example, hardware acceleration?

Thanks in advance

Re: Using libvlc with direct3d vout on Windows

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 09:30
by chouquette
I think you are looking for ... 882eb711f3
Using vmem is *NOT* a good idea if you want good performances, especially with high resolution videos.

With VLC 3.0, rendering directly to a specific HWND can enable hardware decoding with direct rendering, which will outperform pretty much any other alternative