I'm trying to get an iOS project going that uses MobileVLCKit.
First, I attempted to build the iOS version by following the instructions here:
I executed the ./buildMobileVLCKit.sh -f command after cloning the repository. The script ran for about 15 minutes. I did not observe any error messages, however, I'm not sure if it was successful and what I should do next. I expected to find a MobileVLCKit.framework file somewhere, but I looked everywhere, and can't find it.
Next, I tried opening the MobileVLCKit.xcodeproj with Xcode, figuring I could build it from there. When I tried to build the first target (MobileVLCKit), I received an error that says "vlc-plugins-iPhone.h file not found". I also tried the StaticLibVLC target, which reports several libtool errors looking for files such as libvlc.a that do not exist.
Lastly, I decided to try the Cocoapods approach. I created a new single-view iOS project in Xcode, closed Xcode, and installed the 'MobileVLCKit' pod according to the instructions here:
This appears to have installed successfully. After opening the workspace file and attempting to build the project, I receive 78 linker errors. Most of them refer to things like std::ostream or std::string, etc.
I'm not sure what to do next, or what I did wrong. Can anyone help?