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Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 28 Nov 2016 08:59
by pecana
Hello, I'm facing micro-lag while reproducing stream video (usually in ts format) using libvlc for android.
I tried change some settings (options) and something seems to go better but not perfect, I try also leaving all the settings as default by passing no options to the libvlc istance but it is not better.
Do you have any suggestions regarding the options that should improve playback performance?
Thank you
Re: Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 29 Nov 2016 13:26
by pecana
Noboday has a suggestion ?
Re: Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 07 Dec 2016 00:48
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What do you mean by micro-lag?
Re: Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 16 Dec 2016 11:02
by pecana
What do you mean by micro-lag?
I mean that the while the video play you see some block and the video is not smooth, on the same device using other video players the video is smooth.
Is there something to check?
Re: Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 02 Jan 2017 11:08
by pecana
The same video on the same device play smoothly if I use the standard Android MediaPlayer , otherwise if I use the libvlc it is not smooth , you can see some block on fast scenes . Any idea how this could be solved ? The same thing happens if I use android vlc video player, but if I use MX player with hw+ enabled it plays perfectly .
Is there a way to make vlc or libvlc play smoothly ?
The device is an octa-core so it is a good performance device
Re: Libvlc micro lag while playing
Posted: 15 Jan 2017 21:21
by pecana
No One has an idea on how to speed up video playback with libvlc ? Even creating an instance without options the playback is not smooth with live streaming