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LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 24 Oct 2016 08:51
by pecana

does the timeshift really work on the libvlc ?
I set th eparametrs on the media

Code: Select all

mCurrentMedia.addOption(":access=timeshift"); mCurrentMedia.addOption(":input-timeshift-path=" + downfolder); // for example /sdcard/Download long granularity = ((mPref.getmPlayerTimeShift() * 1024) * 1024); // it can be changed throught preferences mCurrentMedia.addOption(":input-timeshift-granularity=" + String.valueOf(granularity));
but i don't thihk it is relaly working, i cannot see any temp file or benefits by changing it
Is there something wrong or is it simply not working ?

Thank you

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 24 Oct 2016 09:37
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Timeshift works by pausing and then resuming a live stream. Don't mess with textual options.

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 24 Oct 2016 16:39
by pecana
Timeshift works by pausing and then resuming a live stream. Don't mess with textual options.
Ok thank you,
is there another way to set these options?

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 24 Oct 2016 16:52
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
The question makes no sense to me.

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 24 Oct 2016 22:25
by pecana
The question makes no sense to me.
Hello , seen your reply i thought I was doing it wrong.
Are the options correct ?
Because timeshift seems not to work properly

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 07 Nov 2016 14:03
by pecana
The question makes no sense to me.
Hello, I mean is it the correct way to set the timeshift ?

Re: LibVlc timeshift

Posted: 06 Jan 2017 23:22
by pecana
Hello, I still have problem with the timeshift , it seems not to work for live streams or it works for few seconds, then the stream return live, could you please help me with the correct option to set? I set them to Media options, is this right or do I have to set it on the libvlc istance options ?

Thank you