Is there a get_frame in VLC?

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Is there a get_frame in VLC?

Postby Angrod90 » 18 Aug 2016 09:00


It's been a while since I asked anything here but I continue on the same project than last time, using the python bindings from vlc, I'm doing a video player in which you can exchange two videos on the same moment in order to compare them.
While doing this I've noticed that vlc handles the times in a rounded way, it's not very precise, since sometimes I get little variations (of one or two frames) from the two videos (when I do: get_time from video A and set_Time from video B), until now the user can adjust it with the function next_frame() but I would like to do it invisible to the user and let my program to do the change. In order to do so, I need some kind of get_frame() function which I guess there must be.
I guess every time I use next_frame vlc would do frame = get_frame()+1 but I've been unable to locate anything like that.

The other option to get the frame you are on vlc is through Tools->Media ingo->Statistics->Shown frames, so any way to access this variable would be fine by me.

Once I could get the frames I'd just compare the two videos on put them on the same frame.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Is there a get_frame in VLC?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Sep 2016 14:47

No, there is not.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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