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Toggle repeat option while playing

Posted: 09 Jul 2016 00:26
by Biblock

Is there a way to toggle the "repeat mode" of the mediaplayer while the media is playing ?

I managed to set it beforehand passing ('--input-repeat=-1") when creating the instance so any mediaplayer created with this instance will repeat the playback.
But now, I need a way to toggle it while it's playing. Is it possible ?

Re: Toggle repeat option while playing

Posted: 09 Jul 2016 14:48
by chouquette
If you want to loop, you will have to use a playlist and a media list player: ... layer.html

You can then use the libvlc_playback_mode_t enum to enable/disable loop

Re: Toggle repeat option while playing

Posted: 10 Jul 2016 14:45
by Biblock
Okay, thank you !