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Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Posted: 25 May 2016 14:19
by PhoenixBR
Hello for all, i'm having a trouble with the Plugin ActiveX where call method playlist.stop()!
i'm using Windows 7 Professional and embedded in my Windows Forms application this Plugin 2.2.3 Weatherwax, the video stream work fine, but when i call playlist.stop() the application's thread crash....

Follow my code:

Vb Net

Code: Select all

Private Sub ConectaCamera() Me.pop.playlist.add(String.Format("rtsp://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/live/h264_ulaw/VGA", CameraInfo.UsuarioCamera, CameraInfo.SenhaCamera, camInfo.IP_CAMERA, camInfo.PortaTCP.ToString())) End Sub
Here Okay, but when finalize the form, i call:

Code: Select all

Private Sub FinalizaForm() Me.pop.playlist.stop() End Sub
when i pause the debug, it stop on these line, i did try Dispose() method but i have the same result, but following the Wireshark log, i can see all the conversation and Plugin finalize ok the connection with RTSP server, but if i use simple Me.Dispose() the ActiveX consome memory and not dispose resources =\

Tks for help :) (Sorry for my poor english)

Re: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Posted: 27 May 2016 13:04
by PhoenixBR
nobody??? :(

Re: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Posted: 27 May 2016 13:45
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Not a lot of infos for anybody to forge a useful opinion.

Re: Application crash when use playlist.stop() method

Posted: 27 May 2016 15:13
by PhoenixBR
Hello, tks for reply,
In your vision point what information lack to help me about this question?
I'm new in VLC.
