VLCKit for tvOS: use libc++!

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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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VLCKit for tvOS: use libc++!

Postby ssbmaccom » 10 Apr 2016 23:47


after Felix fixed the contrib/gsm build issue (thanks a lot!) I - as usual - rebuilt my project with the latest version of VLCKit (libTVVLCKit.a). Usually video playback came with lots of troubles, jitter, block artifacts and sometimes freezes. That's why I released my App with a roll-back version of TVVLCKit to end of 2015. This also had some issues, but playback was fine.

Now - I tried again, and was wondering, why the App builds and runs (with jitter etc.) while libstdc++ was shown in "red" - means it is missing. Well I guess, the lib was still in the caches.
So I removed libstdc++ and replaced it with libc++.
Ah - and now playback is fine (well, I need to wait if freezes are also fixed).

So - if you encounter these playback issues, maybe you still link against libstdc++. Remove it and use libc++ instead.
This may also help with issues on iOS and OS X - but I haven't tried that.

Well, one issue remains - some HD stations like ARD HD with 720p stream the lib reports 100 fps, bug already filed long time ago, but not solved.

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