[Android] Min-Buffer threshold when playing HTTP-served files

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[Android] Min-Buffer threshold when playing HTTP-served files

Postby ened » 01 Apr 2016 14:54


This is basically a cross-post of the SO post here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3635 ... k-playback

I'm trying to play a MOV file which is published through HTTP from a low-end/slow'ish device. The player would need to continuously buffer the data in order to always have enough data available. At this moment, LibVLC from GIT seems to buffer only enough for one sequence of playback. It then pauses and only continues to play some time later.

I was hoping the :network-caching option as shown in the code below would help, but it has no effect on the minimum cache size.
Does anyone have a idea on setting the right option?

Thank you,

Code: Select all

ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<>(); options.add("--no-sub-autodetect-file"); options.add("--swscale-mode=0"); options.add("--network-caching=60000"); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { options.add("-vvv"); // verbosity } libVLC = new LibVLC(options); mediaPlayer = new org.videolan.libvlc.MediaPlayer(libVLC); mediaPlayer.setEventListener(this); final IVLCVout vout = mediaPlayer.getVLCVout(); vout.setVideoView(videoView); vout.setSubtitlesView(subtitleView); vout.addCallback(this); vout.attachViews(); final Media media = new Media(libVLC, getIntent().getData()); media.setHWDecoderEnabled(true, false); media.addOption(":network-caching=60000"); media.addOption(":clock-jitter=0"); media.addOption(":clock-synchro=0"); mediaPlayer.setMedia(media); mediaPlayer.play();

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