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Delphi PasLibVlc: Issue with SetVideoPosInMs with FLAC files

Posted: 20 Mar 2016 15:24
by PeterPanino
I use PasLibVlc 2.2.2 in Delphi 10 Seattle which works well.

However, when playing a FLAC file in TPasLibVlcPlayer and using SetVideoPosInMs, after setting the new playback position, the playback position jumps backward or forward a few seconds! For example:

Code: Select all

This sets the playback position to 00:01:00. But after about 500 ms it jumps e.g. to 00:00:57!

This is really annoying and happens only with FLAC files! Is this a bug?

Re: Delphi PasLibVlc: Issue with SetVideoPosInMs with FLAC files

Posted: 24 Mar 2016 12:00
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Does it happen also in VLC?