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Which version of activeX plugin was shiped with VLC 1.1.11 Win32 installation package?

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 11:12
by ElDorado
Hi there!
By some strange reasons we are still using VLC 1.1.11 in our product via activeX plugin that was shipped with installation package v 1.1.11. (in fact this is only version that is not giving us troubles in reading RTSP streams, writing to file, etc.)

I've faced the problem, that all options passed to media are bypassed to libvlc as unique but un-trusted (no libvlc_media_option_trusted flag). I do not have any idea why it is so, but I need to select ":codec=" option inside out project very badly (and this option is not marked as save, no change_safe() macros).
(We have developed our own codec and plugin for VLC to use it. As far as it is h264-compatible codec I want to manually select from our's and avcodec for different streams/files).

As far as new versions of activeX plugin are not compatible with libvlc v 1.x I've searched in vlc repo for first mention of 1.1.11 version. It is in f61167e75636876dac8506cc9d61358b44ecc4f7 commit (2011-07-15 by Felix Paul Kühne) . But browser plugins were moved to separate project before that commit.

So can anybody point me to right revision of activeX plugin inside browser plugins repo that was used in v 1.1.11 so I can modify that libvlc_media_add_option_flag call?

P.S. Also I am trying to disassembly the library and change const representing libvlc_media_option_unique from 0x100 to 0x102 (libvlc_media_option_unique | libvlc_media_option_trusted) but this hurts a lot.

Re: Which version of activeX plugin was shiped with VLC 1.1.11 Win32 installation package?

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 16:17
by ElDorado
Ok, so hex editing the library did the trick.
If anybody is interested in results, you can download modified library here:

Re: Which version of activeX plugin was shiped with VLC 1.1.11 Win32 installation package?

Posted: 28 Jun 2016 09:50
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should really update your ActiveX