OS X - VLCVideoView overlay
Posted: 21 Oct 2015 00:44
I'm developing an OS X application using VLCKit. When i create VLCVideoView and try to add another NSView on top of it, it shows normally, but when i play video, VLCVideoView completely overlaps my NSView and it becomes invisible. How do i solve this problem?
P.S. If i set wantsLayer property to YES, VLCVideoView not overlapping NSView, but window resize breaks video aspect ratio.
I'm developing an OS X application using VLCKit. When i create VLCVideoView and try to add another NSView on top of it, it shows normally, but when i play video, VLCVideoView completely overlaps my NSView and it becomes invisible. How do i solve this problem?
P.S. If i set wantsLayer property to YES, VLCVideoView not overlapping NSView, but window resize breaks video aspect ratio.