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Seek to a position before playing

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 06:43
by abdolahsa
I want to seek to a position before playing a video :

Code: Select all

player= new VlcMediaPlayer(instance); player->setPosition(pos); player->setTime(time); player->play();
but it does not work and instead I used this code:

Code: Select all

player= new VlcMediaPlayer(instance); player->play(); player->setPosition(pos); player->setTime(time);
it now works but first plays the video (and shows some frames of the begining of the file) , is there any way to seek to a position before playing?

Re: Seek to a position before playing

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 22:16
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can start as paused, IIRC, but maybe just for 3.0