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Access raw data of player

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 07:23
by abdolahsa
I used LibVLC with Qt to play a video file while another app is writing to the file and updates it, when there isn't enough data available in the file my program waits for some times and then continues playing.

I don't know how to implement above scenario.(playing file while the file is online updating...).

Is there any way to set raw data(e.g char * ... instead of setting a file) to player in vlc?

Re: Access raw data of player

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 09:05
by Rémi Denis-Courmont

Re: Access raw data of player

Posted: 06 Jul 2015 08:14
by abdolahsa
can you please write an example ? I've no experience in writing callbacks...

Re: Access raw data of player

Posted: 06 Jul 2015 09:14
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
I don't have time for that, sorry.