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Questioning MD5 hash generation for ArtURL

Posted: 26 Feb 2015 02:00
by WallyZ21
I hope I'm in the correct forum with this post!

I'm trying to validate the generated MD5 hash key create by ArtCacheGetDirPath that is used to create the
ArtURL directories/folders.

However I cannot replicate the generated hash using md5sum when using the same input string.

I include the code for ArtCacheGetDirPath with a couple of my printf (debug) lines:

Code: Select all

static char* ArtCacheGetDirPath( const char *psz_arturl, const char *psz_artist, const char *psz_album, const char *psz_title ) { char *psz_dir; char *psz_cachedir = config_GetUserDir(VLC_CACHE_DIR); if( !EMPTY_STR(psz_artist) && !EMPTY_STR(psz_album) ) { char *psz_album_sanitized = strdup( psz_album ); filename_sanitize( psz_album_sanitized ); char *psz_artist_sanitized = strdup( psz_artist ); filename_sanitize( psz_artist_sanitized ); if( asprintf( &psz_dir, "%s" DIR_SEP "art" DIR_SEP "artistalbum" DIR_SEP "%s" DIR_SEP "%s", psz_cachedir, psz_artist_sanitized, psz_album_sanitized ) == -1 ) psz_dir = NULL; free( psz_album_sanitized ); free( psz_artist_sanitized ); } else { /* If artist or album are missing, cache by art download URL. * If the URL is an attachment://, add the title to the cache name. * It will be md5 hashed to form a valid cache filename. * We assume that psz_arturl is always the download URL and not the * already hashed filename. * (We should never need to call this function if art has already been * downloaded anyway). */ struct md5_s md5; InitMD5( &md5 ); AddMD5( &md5, psz_arturl, strlen( psz_arturl ) ); printf("psz_arturl >%s<\n", psz_arturl); if( !strncmp( psz_arturl, "attachment://", 13 ) ) { AddMD5( &md5, psz_title, strlen( psz_title ) ); printf("psz_title >%s<\n", psz_title); } EndMD5( &md5 ); char * psz_arturl_sanitized = psz_md5_hash( &md5 ); printf("psz_artual_sanitized:%s\n", psz_arturl_sanitized); if( asprintf( &psz_dir, "%s" DIR_SEP "art" DIR_SEP "arturl" DIR_SEP "%s", psz_cachedir, psz_arturl_sanitized ) == -1 ) psz_dir = NULL; free( psz_arturl_sanitized ); } free( psz_cachedir ); return psz_dir; }
When I run vlc and open a youtube video I receive this output:

wallyz@EP45-DS3:~/Downloads/VLC/vlc-2.1.5$ ./vlc
VLC media player 2.1.5 Rincewind (revision 2.1.4-49-gdab6cb5)
[0x1dc0428] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0x1dd4db8] main playlist: stopping playback
psz_arturl ><
[0x1dd4db8] main playlist: stopping playback
psz_arturl ><
psz_arturl ><
psz_arturl ><
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
[0x7f5014001248] main vout display error: Failed to resize display
^Cwallyz@EP45-DS3:~/Downloads/VLC/vlc-2.1.5$ echo "" | md5sum
b1a169735e9201e972a58e1ffcaca8bd -

The ArtURL is ""
which generates the VLC MD5 db17a3d0c87a9d2a00beefe231aaa3ba
however md5sum generates b1a169735e9201e972a58e1ffcaca8bd

Why the discrepancy?

Can anyone help?

Re: Questioning MD5 hash generation for ArtURL

Posted: 26 Feb 2015 09:36
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
The title?

Re: Questioning MD5 hash generation for ArtURL

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 04:15
by WallyZ21
The Title doesn't appear to have been used in the construction of the MD5 string otherwise the printf in the conditional code (below) would have displayed it.

if( !strncmp( psz_arturl, "attachment://", 13 ) )
AddMD5( &md5, psz_title, strlen( psz_title ) );
printf("psz_title >%s<\n", psz_title);