MediaPlayer().audio_set_delay() not working properly.

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New Cone
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MediaPlayer().audio_set_delay() not working properly.

Postby JeffHoogland » 05 Oct 2014 21:16


I am having an issue with the audio_set_delay function on a vlc.MediaPlayer object. Essentially I am setting the delay and then confirming it is set properly by calling the audio_get_delay function, but for some reason the player isn't having the pts delay set properly. Example output:

Code: Select all

jeff@hoogland-clevo:/media/jeff/Storage/qAndora$ python Playing song live from URL 2500 [0x2f12148] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms) [0x2f12148] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
The 2500 is the printed audio_get_delay output for the MediaPlayer object. I am confused why if the object is confirming the audio delay is set to 2500 MS, why the player is reporting that it is moving the delay to 1000 ms (lower than the 2500).

You can see where I create the player object and assign the media in the function starting on line 164 here. I set the audio delay on line 186.

Am I doing something wrong/not understanding something here? I really want to use VLC as the backend for my software, but not being able to set the delay causes the tracks to skip a few times when they first start.

I am having this delay issue on both Ubuntu 14.04 with VLC 2.1.4 and on Windows 7 with the latest VLC download from the video lan home page.

Thanks for your time,
~Jeff Hoogland

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: MediaPlayer().audio_set_delay() not working properly.

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 06 Oct 2014 09:43

PTS delay and audio delay are different things.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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