First off, I'm not even entirely certain that I'm asking this question properly. I've not worked with things this low level very much, so please forgive any ignorance on my part.
I am working with Java and have need of the compiled out-of-the-box VLC library (not the VLC Media Player). Everything I've come across only has the Media Player (which I do not need, I intend to make use of the Java Bindings), or the source code (which I attempted to compile on a VirtualBox VM machine only to have it fail after an hour of wasted time, that was fun).
I only need the compiled VLC Libraries (and dependent libraries) for Windows (64/32), Linux (64/32), and Mac (not asking for much, am I?).
Can someone please direct me so that I can find them? I'm just looking for simple .zip files that I can open up, and pull out the folder, and look, there it is.