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How to use saveVideoSnapshotAt api to take snapshot.

Posted: 27 Jul 2014 03:31
by 2019801
Hi all,
I developing in iOS, I use ./ -s compiled VLCKit,and add a button to SimplePlayback example to take snapshot.


Code: Select all

- (IBAction)takeSnapshot:(UIButton *)sender { NSString* path = NSHomeDirectory(); NSString* snapshotFile = [path stringByAppendingString:@"/1.png"]; NSLog(path); [_mediaplayer saveVideoSnapshotAt:snapshotFile withWidth:0 andHeight:0]; [_mediaplayer saveVideoSnapshotAt:path withWidth:0 andHeight:0]; }
When I click it didn't take snapshot but get error:
[0c2de874] core video output error: Encoding support not compiled-in!
[0c2de874] core video output error: Failed to convert image for snapshot

plz help how to compiled-in encoding support?
