VLC dll and plugin files in Linux and MacOS for web player

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VLC dll and plugin files in Linux and MacOS for web player

Postby crownhellfire » 10 Jul 2014 16:04


I'm trying to create a video player (that works with streams) for my website.
I don't want user to need to install VLC. So website should be downloaded with necessary VLC files.
So, I have created a java applet that downloads and extracts a zip file that includes VLC files (dlls & plugins).

And then, these files are used by the applet for creating an EmbeddedMediaPlayer:

Code: Select all

NativeLibrary.addSearchPath(RuntimeUtil.getLibVlcLibraryName(), pathOfExtractedZip);
This zip file includes almost all of the files inside the VLC installiation folder inside Program Files of Windows.
And It works fine.

My problem is that; I do not know how to do the same thing in Linux and MacOS.
For example; In Ubuntu, files related to VLC are scattered to USR and VAR folders.
So, creating such a source zip is not as simple as it is Windows.

Which files should I include in the zip I'll create for Linux and MacOS ?
How they should be placed inside the source folder? & How should I add them to the search path ?


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