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I need to write a program to play video files...

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:22
by H.H.M
I need to write a program to play video files that are encoded by myself.
To avoid copying videos,I need to change Bytes of video files via hash or Everything Else and then copy to Hard Disk.
So I need to develop an application to decode these files in playing Time.
I am Developer,Can I do it via VLC SDK?if yes how can I do it?


Re: I need to write a program to play video files...

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 21:23
by edwardw
You can call the libVLC C API from .NET with P/Invoke: ... 71%29.aspx

Re: I need to write a program to play video files...

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 11:39
by H.H.M
Hi edwardw,
thanks for your attention,but can you tell more detail please?


Re: I need to write a program to play video files...

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 12:38
by edwardw

Re: I need to write a program to play video files...

Posted: 01 May 2014 07:59
by H.H.M
Dear edwardw ,
thank for your post,but Unfortunately I could not find API for change Bytes of video files,would you show me This API Directly please.

Best Regards,Hesam.H.Motiee