problem with axvlc.dll
Posted: 25 Mar 2014 14:04
Please i need help
I am trying to use vlc activex plugin and IE web plugin v2 in visual studio 2010
But i receive one error: Axhost libnotregistered (system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x8002801D)...
I try to register with regsvr32 but i get the same error
I try reinstall vlc too...
What can I do?
I am trying to use vlc activex plugin and IE web plugin v2 in visual studio 2010
But i receive one error: Axhost libnotregistered (system.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x8002801D)...
I try to register with regsvr32 but i get the same error
I try reinstall vlc too...
What can I do?