i can not import vlc libs for python on ubuntu

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i can not import vlc libs for python on ubuntu

Postby purifuri » 18 Mar 2014 00:03

I have visited the python bindings web, i did the instructions and i can not import the vlc library for python.

I use python 2.7. I have copied the vlc.py file into a path folder (consulted with sys.path). I make imports like an example (gtkvlc.py) with the next order:

import gtk
import sys
import vlc

when i make import vlc, it says: "no module named vlc"

I have made the install like it says on the README's file: python setup.py develop, i tried like as normar user as root, and it do nothing (appears an error).

How can i install python vlc libraries on ubuntu?

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