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VLC 2.2 GIT compilation error X265 0.7 GIT

Posted: 04 Mar 2014 14:51
by marcov83
I'm trying to build last git VLC version from sources...i've solved all my dependencies issues but there is an error or a version mismatch between this version of VLC and X265 sources. The error consists in a different definition of x265_param

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/***other code from x265.h **/ /* Numerator and denominator of frame rate */ uint32_t fpsNum; uint32_t fpsDenom;

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/*** modules/codec/x265.c ***/ /** in module Open() **/ param->frameRate = p_enc-> / p_enc->;
VLC assumes that the struct has the integer field frameRate, but i think i has been removed with the num/den version. Is there a patch to solve this issue or am i wrong with something?

Thanks in advance

Re: VLC 2.2 GIT compilation error X265 0.7 GIT

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 14:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Use VLC.git