Hi peopple
I've the following code:
#include <QApplication>
#include <vlc-qt/Common.h>
#include <vlc-qt/Instance.h>
#include <vlc-qt/Media.h>
#include <vlc-qt/MediaPlayer.h>
#include <vlc-qt/WidgetVideo.h>
#include <QWidget>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QWidget* mainWidget = new QWidget();
VlcInstance* vlcInstance = new VlcInstance(VlcCommon::args(), NULL);
return a.exec();
the application give a segmentation fault in the VlcInstance line and the message is this one:
QMetaType::registerType: Binary compatibility break -- Size mismatch for type 'QPaintBufferCacheEntry' [1024]. Previously registered size 16, now registering size 0.
The program has unexpectedly finished.
I had print the VlcCommon::args() to see what it has and this is the result:
I'm using libvlc 2.1 and vlc-qt from it git repo
Am I have to add another parameter to solve my problem ??
best regards