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Delphi Exception in libvlccore.dll

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 12:35
by Mavarik

I've tried the uTLibVLC.pas Wrapper (Latest Version)
with the lib*.dll (Latest Version)

On the LoadLibray I'll get an exception.

Has anybody a working example with the latest Versions?

Greetings Mavarik

BTW: There is no VLCPlugin in my ActivX List to Import into Delphi. Any Ideas why?

Re: Delphi Exception in libvlccore.dll

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 18:38
by r21514
Exception is from only one libvlc function - libvlc_audio_set_volume (calls aout_VolumeSet from libvlccore). Discusion is here.

Re: Delphi Exception in libvlccore.dll

Posted: 20 Oct 2013 11:13
by Mavarik
No i get the exception on dll Load