Waveout crash libvlc

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Waveout crash libvlc

Postby MortenStensland » 22 Mar 2024 13:11


We are trying to use LibVLC and LibsharpVLC to create an application for video-playback, but we are experiencing some crashes when we use wave-out for audio-handling. The crashes seems to happen after we pause a video, stop it, then play another video. For some reason it seems that the crash is more likely to happen if we pause the video before stopping it. We have tried different ways of stopping the video and clearing the memory-buffer, but nothing seems to help: Next time we play a video, the program can crash.

The crash only seems to happen if we use Waveout for the video. If we change to automatically, the crashes are gone. But we need Waveout because, for some reason, Waveout is the only option where we dont get some clicks that we get with the other audio-options.
In Visual Studio, in the call-stack, it seems that the crash happens in the libwaveout pluing.

We have created a public Github repository where you can test the app yourself:
The app uses the latest versions of libvlc, libsharp, and .net 8.

This issue seems to be related to what is reported here:

Any advice?

Posts: 751
Joined: 13 Jun 2017 10:41

Re: Waveout crash libvlc

Postby mfkl » 25 Mar 2024 10:56

I don't understand why you need waveout, the easiest way will be to do without.

If you can't do without waveout, you need to make a build with PDBs to be able to see the stacktrace and pinpoint the exact code that is crashing. Only then it can be fixed.

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