Weird HDR washed out color problem with libvlc on Android

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Weird HDR washed out color problem with libvlc on Android

Postby MichaelL » 28 Sep 2023 09:30


I'm new to this forum. Before this post, I checked whether there was a conversation related to my question. But none of them was so now I have to ask on my own.

I've cloned the recent version of vlc-android on my virtual machine (Ubuntu) and built both the application and the library.
I installed the vlc-android application on my test device (Redmi K20 Pro, Android 13). Everything worked fine including playing HDR videos. The color was correct.
Then I installed my test application which contained libvlc inside. The color was incorrect and I've tried everything I can do to fix this but still no difference.
Some other details to provide:
1. I tried disabling HW decoding. The color turned out to be correct but the frame dropped and the image stuttered. Some HDR videos are even not playable.
2. I forced the media option ':codec=all', the same as above.
3. I checked configurations in vlc, and nothing was different.
4. I checked codec and color information with 'adb logcat', and still no difference.

Did I miss something critical to configure?

vlc-android version: 3.5.4
libvlc version: 3.0.18

vlc-android playing HDR

my test application playing HDR

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Weird HDR washed out color problem with libvlc on Android

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Nov 2023 10:59

Did you check the difference in logs?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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